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New & Deepening Programs at BCCF

This past winter and spring, BCCF has been diligently working to expand programming and secure support, enabling us to direct financial assistance where it is needed most. Among our three core offerings, including Housing Stability Programs and Rapid Relief, the most recent growth has occurred in our "Bridge the Gap" Assistance Programs, which now include new support for childcare and downpayment costs.

By addressing the high childcare cost burdens that many families face, our assistance allows parents to obtain and maintain employment, leading to greater economic advancement. Additionally, our downpayment assistance helps families overcome one of the final hurdles to homeownership, fostering long-term stability for our workforce.

Financial assistance is not just about providing immediate relief; it is about creating stable and healthy families. By investing in these critical areas, we are helping to build a foundation for lasting economic security and overall well-being.

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